The Two Red Roses Foundation Mission Statement
The mission of the Two Red Roses Foundation, a private, non-profit educational institution in Palm Harbor, Florida, is to promote an understanding of the American Arts & Crafts movement through the acquisition, conservation, preservation, exhibition, and interpretation of the decorative and fine arts.
To that end, the Foundation -
- Collects and conserves objects made in America between approximately 1900 and 1930 that reflect the spirit of reform in design and craftsmanship, generally accepted as the Arts & Crafts movement.
- Collects books, catalogues, publications and archival material related to its collection and the period.
- Supports research pertinent to its collection and the movement.
- Lends objects from its collection for exhibition by other institutions.
- Disseminates the results of that research through exhibitions, publications, and other educational activities and programs for the general public.